⭐️ Get Anki
The flashcard program can be downloaded here.
Anki is available on iOS and Android, however a computer with Anki installed is also required to use the Malleus (or any AnkiHub) deck.
We generally recommend you familiarise yourself with some of the basics of Anki, but you can get started straight away with the MalleusCM deck if you prefer
👑 Create an AnkiHub Account
AnkiHub is available for free through the scholarship program or with a paid subscription. There is no difference between the two plans.
<aside> <img src="/icons/globe_blue.svg" alt="/icons/globe_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Free
You should receive an email after a few days. If you still have not received a response after 2 weeks contact AnkiHub (website/email).
<aside> <img src="/icons/currency_green.svg" alt="/icons/currency_green.svg" width="40px" /> Paid ($6 USD/month)
Save your login details somewhere, as you’ll need them later.
🖥️ Install Key Add-ons
Once Anki has been installed and open, add-ons can be added by clicking Tools > Add-ons > Get Add-ons… then pasting the add-on’s “code”.
Essential Add-ons:
<aside> <img src="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/9894d9ee-445a-4bc4-9d86-683b5e6443fd/62d49d9f-2330-4a1c-9720-1eab490b2579/favicon.ico.png" alt="https://prod-files-secure.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/9894d9ee-445a-4bc4-9d86-683b5e6443fd/62d49d9f-2330-4a1c-9720-1eab490b2579/favicon.ico.png" width="40px" /> **AnkiHub** - Code: 1322529746
This allows Anki to sync with the Malleus deck through AnkiHub. Once installed login with your account by clicking AnkiHub > Sign into AnkiHub
You will need to restart Anki for the Add-ons to work for the first time.
❤️ Join the Malleus deck
Find the AnkiHub page here, or by searching the Explore page, and click Subscribe.
Click the subscribe to the deck button just below
Click … then Manage Protected Data and select fields to protect; at least “Personal Notes” and “Missed Questions”, and type “leech” (without “”) into the protected tags field.
<aside> 🧐 What are these for?
Add whatever tags you’d like to protect from synchronisation with AnkiHub. For example I have tags for particular exams in medical school (e.g year_4::cardiology).
🔄 Open Anki
When you next restart or sync Anki you’ll be prompted with “You have new AnkiHub decks to install”. Keep the recommended settings and click Install.
<aside> <img src="/icons/confetti-party-popper_blue.svg" alt="/icons/confetti-party-popper_blue.svg" width="40px" />
Welcome Aboard!
You’ve just unlocked the ultimate Anki deck for Aussie and Kiwi med students! 🎉🇦🇺🇳🇿 Dive in and have fun! 📚🩺